Dailymotion’s Lara Krumholz: Attention metrics help optimize campaigns to maximize impact

December 1, 2024

Lara Krumholz

Lara Krumholz, General Manager and SVP for Latin America at Dailymotion Advertising, spoke about the limitations of traditional marketing metrics and advocated for the adoption of attention metrics.

1. Concrete benefits of adopting attention metrics:

Companies that adopt attention metrics can expect more accurate insights into how their campaigns resonate with their audience. Unlike traditional metrics that focus on surfacelevel data (e.g., impressions or clicks), attention metrics capture how deeply consumers engage with content, allowing marketers to measure the actual effectiveness of their campaigns in building brand awareness, recall, and long-term engagement. These metrics also help optimize campaigns in real-time, improving brand level key performance indicators (KPIs) such as ad recall and purchase consideration, while ensuring that every aspect of the campaign is aligned with the company’s broader strategic goals.

2. How attention metrics help marketers make better strategic decisions:

Attention metrics enable marketers to focus on the quality of engagement rather than just the quantity of interactions. By integrating attention signals such as attentive seconds, eyetracking data, and predictive brand lift models, marketers can better understand where and how their ads are capturing consumer attention. This data allows them to make more informed decisions about creative development, targeting, and media placement, ultimately leading to campaigns that are more effective in driving both immediate KPIs and long-term brand growth. The ability to connect these signals to strategic outcomes provides a comprehensive view that guides better allocation of resources and improved campaign strategies.

3. Shortcomings of traditional metrics (impressions, clicks, ROAS):

Traditional metrics like impressions, clicks, and ROAS often focus on short-term, surfacelevel interactions without providing insights into deeper engagement or brand-building effects. They fail to reveal whether the campaign truly resonates with the audience, impacts brand awareness, or drives long-term consumer behavior. These metrics also don’t account for having content oriented towards the audience, which is critical in understanding longterm impact and building sustained brand loyalty. As a result, traditional metrics do not sufficiently measure the broader, long-term success of a campaign in terms of emotional
connection or ad-recall.

4. Integrating attention signals into the marketing process:

Integrating attention signals means using attention-driven insights at every stage of the marketing process, from ideation to measurement. Practically, this could involve optimizing creative content using eye-tracking or AI to design ads that capture attention, choosing ad formats and media placements that engage the audience, and continually tracking and adjusting campaigns based on attention metrics like attentive seconds. By focusing on how consumers pay attention to ads and adjusting accordingly, marketers can ensure that each phase of their campaign is designed for maximum impact, whether that’s during concept development, media buying, or post-campaign analysis.

5. The role of immersive advertising in capturing attention:

Immersive advertising plays a critical role in capturing and retaining audience attention by providing interactive, engaging experiences that go beyond passive consumption. Formats like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and interactive videos are effective in achieving this goal as they demand active participation from the user, leading to higher levels of engagement and recall. These technologies create a more memorable brand experience, helping marketers not only capture initial attention but also sustain it over time, resulting in stronger brand associations and increased consumer loyalty.

6. Relevance of attention metrics in CTV and cookieless platforms:

Attention metrics are particularly relevant in environments like Connected TV (CTV) and cookieless platforms, where traditional tracking methods, such as cookies, are no longer viable. In these privacy-centric environments, attention metrics provide a more nuanced understanding of consumer engagement without relying on personal data. They offer an advantage by focusing on behavioral signals (e.g., how long users engage with ads or where their attention is directed) to ensure that campaigns are optimized for effectiveness. This approach allows marketers to create relevant, personalized ad experiences even in privacy restricted contexts.

7. Challenges and solutions for marketers in privacy environments:

One of the main challenges in implementing attention metrics within privacy-focused environments is the limited availability of granular user data due to regulations. To overcome this, marketers need to rely on aggregated, non-personalized data such as contextual and behavioral signals. By using technologies like AI to analyze attention patterns and integrating these signals into their strategies, marketers can continue to deliver personalized, attention-driven campaigns without infringing on user privacy. Additionally, focusing on transparency and user consent helps ensure that attention metrics are implemented in a way that respects consumer privacy.

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