Endemol Latino: We can now say we’re a production company

October 16, 2012

Adrián Santucho: Today we have more than 300 people working here in Miami

Adrián Santucho, VP of production and development for Endemol Latino can’t hide his enthusiasm about the reality show production for primetime TV in the Hispanic market of the U.S. These shows include the third season of ¡Mira Quién Baila (MQB,), coproduced by Univision Studios, and Yo Me Llamo for Telemundo“The process of transforming from an office of pre-sale formats to a production company was hard and substantial. I remember having spoken with you guys a few years ago and commenting that what we were doing was opening markets, and that the important Hispanic channels would approach us – they’d be tempted with the projects” Santucho emphasized. Today, with these productions, we have more than 300 people working here in Miami. It’s been a great challenge but today we can say that Endemol Latino is a production company”. Among all the new elements presented by the third season of MQB, new technological aspects are being incorporated as well as a new set in the brand-new Univision Studios in Doral. In respect to Yo Me llamo, Santucho indicated that it takes on a very noble format in which the show will search for young people all throughout the U.S. who will sing like idols. “The format has had success in Colombia with a third season, and it’s worked very well in Chile and Peru”. Santucho also indicated that they are evaluating new projects. “We’re evaluating three or four different formats that are working really well and seeing the possibilities of adding them to the markets. There’s a lot of interest in another talent show, and thankfully we have the experience to do a music, dance and entertainment one. There’s interest in Mexico and the Hispanic market of the U.S.” he finalized.

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