“Univisión is Televisa and Televisa is Univisión,” that is the current mindset in the company

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| April 28, 2011

This second installment of the interview granted to PRODU by César Conde, President of Univision Networks, touches on the spirit of the new relationship between Televisa and Univisión, and the programming strategy of Univisión.”Univisión is Televisa and Televisa is Univisión,” said Haim Saban, Chairman de Univision Communications. “That sentence captures the spirit of the Univisión-Televisa partnership. The agreement we reached was the most important corporate development for us in 2010. The collaboration between the two companies has been incredible. I believe that together the two companies can achieve great things. This collaboration exists in all business areas: sales, programming, production, and certainly Internet and new media. We will soon be announcing new project in this field,” said Conde. He also described in detail Univisión’s programming strategy: leveraging the content of Televisa and other programming partners, but also producing its own content.“One of the nicer things Univisión has is its strategy of feeding from both sources. This strategy has worked well and all our partners, including Televisa, support it. We want to make sure we provide our audience the best product regardless of where it originates. We are privileged to have Televisa as the producer of the best programming in the world, but at the same time I think it is important to boost the level of creativity in the U.S. I believe the best example is ¡Mira quien baila!, which was a format created exclusively for the U.S. and did extremely well. At the end of the day it benefits us all,” added Conde.

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