Univision´s ¡Mira Quién Baila! attracts an average of 5 million Total Viewers 2+

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 22, 2011

Actress Adamari López was crowned champion of season two

Last Sunday’s three-hour grand finale of Univision’s hit reality dance competition ¡Mira Quién Baila! reached 9.2 million viewers who watched some or all of the broadcast.Attracting an average audience of nearly 5 million Total Viewers 2+, 2.5 million Adults 18-49, 1.4 million Women 18-49, 1.1 million Men 18-49 and 1.3 million Adults 18-34, the highly-anticipated conclusion to the show’s dramatic second season was the highest-rated telecast in the program’s full run.The grand finale of ¡Mira Quién Baila!helped Univision take the No. 4 spot during the highly competitive Sunday 8-11 p.m. time period, beating CBS among Adults 18-34.“We could not be prouder to bring our audience such an impressive lineup of performances in last night’s emotional season finale of ¡Mira Quién Baila! The season showed strong growth from last year, while also continuing to provide a spectacular family-friendly entertainment experience for Hispanics,” said César Conde, president of Univision Networks.Based on its full run, the second season of !Mira Quién Baila! out-performed last season’s performance among Total Viewers 2+ (up 3%), Adults 18-49 (up 3%), Women 18-49 (up 7%) and Adults 18-34 (up 8%). Additionally, it is currently the highest-ranked Univision-produced reality show in the network’s history among Total Viewers 2+. Driving unprecedented engagement from viewers across the nation, the full season of ¡Mira Quién Baila! generated a record-breaking 15 million votes from viewers who called or texted in support of their favorite contestant, up 7% from last season’s votes.

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