Carlos Vasallo of Cine Estelar and Cine Nostalgia: At the time of programming, nationalities are important

April 10, 2012

Carlos Vasallo, president and CEO of Cine Nostalgia, Cine Estelar and other companies of related entertainment

The question covers a lot, so I’d rather split it into three parts: If it’s an independent channel like América TeVe or Canal 22 in Los Angeles, it should appeal to the local audience, in the case of the first, Cubans are the majority, and in the case of the second, Mexicans are the majority. There aren’t many successful independent channels. If it’s a network, the approximation with the programming should be almost consistent with the demographics of the Latinos in the US. If it’s a channel of pay TV, then it depends on the niche that it wants to target, now that unifying programming for all Latinos is practically impossible and what’s important is providing programming that the target group wants to see. I don’t believe in much, nor in the Hispanic or Latino word at the time of programming because they’re too generic. Now neither in the news, sports or comedy are we all interested in the same thing, and a lot has to do with nationality.