Mitú: The goal for 2016 is to begin production of long content for digital

January 12, 2016

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

The challenge for the digital content platform Mitú is to encourage a new generation of Mexican comedians as well as to make new products -now in long format, such as series and films- for 2016, and also to create a community in the US and in Latin America encompassing writers, actors and producers, who will become the digital stars of the future. They are already preparing the launching of Roast, shot in recent months in Mexico City.”I feel lucky to have this digital media company, because digital is where today’s strength lies. Traditional media will continue to fulfill an important role, but for millennials and generation Z, digital is the niche. In 2016 we want to continue holding events in the region and in the US, and we have plans to generate long content. We already have a couple of films with digital stars, but we are also aiming to create fiction and comedy series”, mentioned Beatriz Acevedo, president and founding partner of Mitú.Acevedo announced the creation of a mentors program in the US and Lat Am that will, “allow us to train writers and producers, and thus have a lot of people ready to become the next generation of content generators”.