The career of a writer is long term

July 23, 2020

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Silvina Frejdkes Escritora

The Argentine writer Silvina Frejdkes encourages young writers to be consistent, work hard, and not wait for a stroke of luck. “It is very difficult to be a genius from the start. Behind the success, there is a great deal of preparation and years of work,” she said, after stating that you must not feel discouraged even if you are rejected.

“It has happened to me that I have thought: this person is from another planet, and then some time goes by and that person, effectively, has a super successful career. But that doesn’t happen to most of us. We need to be consistent and, above all, rewrite a great deal, because results are in the experience and work,” she said, after mentioning that a writers´ is long-term work.

Carolina Rivera recommends, for entering the world of series writing, you must have something to show. “It might not be a script, but a personal story when you go to an interview, an anecdote that makes you unique”.

Finally, they recommended sending your story for it to be read, because all of them read them. “When you find a unique and particular voice, you feel like having that person nearby,” she said, after commenting on the practice of placing very young writers together with writers that have a lot of experience. “From there, very important stories come out that reach the platforms,” she said.

The conversation took place during the PRODU webinar held last Wednesday, July 15, Writing Fiction in Times of Pandemic, in which the Venezuelan writer Rosa Clemente as well as the Mexican Carolina Rivera.

webinar: Writing Fiction in Times of Pandemic