BB: Streaming is the future

July 16, 2020

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Horacio Gennari de The Connected Man de BB

The product Content Pulse from Business Bureau (BB) was launched worldwide last July 8 (as part of the partnership with Whip Media Group that was announced last week), commented Horacio Gennari, Head of the Board of Directors of the Bureau during his webinar La Híper Conexión. Tendencias al Futuro y Tributos a la Teoría.

Content Pulse, that has access to 100 million OTT platform contents in real-time, “is one of the products I am most proud of,” he mentioned, adding that in one or two clicks they are going to manage to know what the contents are, what parts of the world are coming, the metadata, among other aspects. According to Gennari, streaming is going to be the future, “the highway on which everything is going to run.”

During his talk, he made several tributes to great classical writers, such as Blaise Pascal, to describe the Octaplay; Jorge Luis Borges to present the Content Pulse; Charles Dickens to talk about short series and Isaac Asimov to mention artificial intelligence and robots, since, thanks to robotics, they have been able to create the BB The Guardian Online Audits, through which last week 115 thousand pirate contents, with the help of Google, were de-indexed. “If we don’t see the past and the great classics, it is going to be very difficult to see the future”.

Highlighting the importance of short content on platforms, Gennari explained that a great contribution from Netflix and now HBO is that they are not limiting the duration of short episodes. “I think we are going towards shorter contents and not all of them are going to be standardized in their duration,” he mentioned.