CuriosityStream: As the audiovisual industry in Latin America succeeds, we will too

July 28, 2021

Miryana Márquez

Jorge Franzini de CuriosityStream

Jorge Franzini, director of Content and Development at CuriosityStream, commented in the PRODU´s Guía OTT & VOD 2021, that during the pandemic, the range of options offered by television for all ages became “a vital tool to face boredom and put aside – even momentarily – the daily worrying news.”

He also assured that companies dedicated to factual content benefited from the public’s demand for quality entertainment that would also serve as a complement to their children’s school curricula.

“But all this would not have been possible without the support and ingenuity of Latin American companies that many programmers were able to rely on locally to move forward, despite challenges such as border closures, the inability to travel and quarantine.”

He added that for years they have insisted that working with local companies is a way to demonstrate their commitment to the region and now, more than ever, is when that commitment must show up. “It is our turn to provide support to companies in the region, with which we have managed to launch and maintain a successful localization strategy, and has allowed us to grow within the competitive Latin American context of pay TV. If we have learned anything from what we have experienced in the last year, it is that we are all intertwined and that, to the extent that the audiovisual industry in Latin America succeeds, we will too.”

To read the whole article go to PRODU´s Guía OTT & VOD 2021