Dopamine: Hernán will have a simultaneous launch on three platforms

September 6, 2019

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Jaime Ramos Fidela Navarro

At the end of November —very soon the exact date will be announced— Hernán, the series made by Dopamine on Hernán Cortés and his arrival to Mexico, will be launched simultaneously on streaming, pay-TV and open TV, something that happens for the first time, and that according to Fidela Navarro, CEO of the production company, places them in the position it deserves, due to the high production values it has. He announced that A&E will be responsible for the international distribution of the series.

“The launch of Hernán is progressing a great deal, we already have established dates, and more importantly, the sure bet to launch simultaneously on three platforms for the first time: first on Amazon, with all the episodes available, the following day on History, that will progressively program the episodes, and the next day, on Television Azteca. This means it will be a long weekend in which the three platforms bet on a series. We are very happy and soon will start the campaigns,” she said

For his part, the executive director of the series, Jaime Ramos, explained that they are in the postproduction stage, to end at the beginning of November and that thanks to the preproduction work they did, postproduction is resulting very smooth. We have made a great team with El Ranchito, the people in charge of the postproduction. The photographer himself is amazed that when he sets out to correct color, it is practically ready, as he saw it in the set and as we planned it, he sees it on the screen”.