HITN: Plataforma EDYE about to see the light in Latin America

January 31, 2019

Miryana Márquez

Erika Vogt Guillermo Sierra HITN

Guillermo Sierra, Head of Television and Digital Services at HITN, announced that they are consolidating their premium platform EDYE —from Educa (educate) and Entretiene (entertain)—, which they have been working on for a while now and that they expect to launch in Latin America with a big cable operator in the region.

“This platform will have a service for parents, as it is educational, with first-rate content, entirely in Spanish. Additionally, another novelty it features does not only include videos, but also games, books and guides for parents” comments Sierra.

Currently, they are working together with distributors to take the product to a Panregionl level. Likewise, they are seeking content for preschools and talking directly with more cable operators to launch the platform.