James Farrell joins Amazon Studios as director of International Originals

October 23, 2018

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

James Farrell

Amazon Studios appointed James Farrell director of International Originals. Farrell will lead the teams of International Originals in Japan, India, Europe, Mexico, and Brazil, as well as future locations.

“To date, we have had significant success in this area and, by simplifying our International Originals team under a single creative leader, we can strategically carry out our ambitious global vision and ensure our future growth,” said Jennifer Salke, Amazon Studios director, to whom Farrell will report.

“The extraordinary ideas can come from creators around the world and, by increasing global production and making Amazon Studios home of the creators of the entire world, the possibilities are endless as to what we can offer our audience of Prime Video” the executive explained.

Farrell said his goal is to find the most unique voices in the world and then move quickly to help their visions come to life.

“We are committed to finding the best stories, regardless their country of origin, and we will be launching a broad network and moving forward very fast in the coming months and years,” Farrell said.