Joe Bonilla, The Boss from Latinvasion: A talent marketing strategist with 20 years of experience at the pan regional service

February 18, 2016

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Joe Bonilla

Joe Bonilla, The Boss from Latinvasion, artist marketing strategy agency with more than 20 years of experience, expressed that social networks have changed the way talent is hired, although monetization in this new category is barely just beginning. In a one-to-one interview with PRODU in the Latinvasion offices, on the PH of a striking building in the borderline between Brickell and Downtown Miami, he stated that social networks have taken artists out of a single coexistence zone and zip code to take them to an infinity of networks, which, if not well handled could end with someone’s career in an instant.He said he was a specialist in virtual repairs and expressed that loyalty, respect, and admiration between manager and artist allow the construction of success all the way until he is turned into a brand. He granted that in spite of the increasing popularity of social networks as capturers of time, the percentage of revenue in that digital context “is barely just beginning”, and that for the time being it is integrated within a media package, but that big money continues to be in classic events or brand sponsoring.Isabel Burr, the Mexican who just starred for HBO in the series Dios Inc. and for Disney Media will play the role of Verónica Castro in the series about Juan Gabriel, has been a hit since MTV’s Niñas Mal, as well as a series in Spain.