SOMOS Distribution offering content alternatives

April 2, 2020

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Somos Distribution

SOMOS Distribution will present to its clients a series of contents to replace those spaces on their programming grid occupied by live shows or canceled events, based on the official recommendations to address today’s health crisis. The company offers a selected list of products that are proven to be attractive for the audience and that can be delivered in time to cover those spaces. In addition to other products, the main products are a selection of Turkish dramas and soap operas.

“We are offering our clients ways to solve what we know are sudden needs and that require a quick response from their part. We have proven that our Turkish dramas have the strength to support their audience for these days where we need to stay home. On our part, we guarantee the prompt delivery of the necessary materials,” said Francisco Villanueva, VP and COO of SOMOS Distribution stated:

SOMOS Distribution offers the Turkish dramas, Sweet Revenge, with 80 episodes, Sunshine Girls with 117 episodes, Gumus with 200 episodes, Matter of Respect 76 episodes, and Lady’s Farm with 156 episodes. Like a soap opera, Camelia la Tejana comes with 50 episodes.