Teleméxico Studios: The secret of quality is to be very meticulous

November 4, 2018

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Nelson Martinez VisitaProdu

Nelson Martínez, executive Production director at Teleméxico Studios highlighted the importance of details and the creativity each production must have to truly achieve the quality contents consumers are demanding.

”Consumers are increasingly demanding. Now that they are able to decide what to watch and when, his eye has become even more critical, and that has led us to have to evolve with them and give them products of increasingly better quality,” said Martínez.
The executive also mentioned that both in Teleméxico as well as in FOXTelecolombia, they have always been the pioneers in technologic advances in the region, which has led to always be at the forefront in terms of quality, stories, and to be more organized to be more efficient in what refers to work itself and also the economic aspect.

Martínez commented on topics related with the productions they are making, among which stands out a very ambitious project they are about to carry out with Televisa in Mexico, and that will be a piece by Gustavo Bolivar. Martínez assured ”it will be a large budget superseries, with Gustavo´s seal, and will cover topics that have not been used before. That is what we are seeking, to innovate the way we did with El Capo that was the first narcoseries”.

He additionally reported that in the studios in Colombia there is a lot of movement with the shootings of El Bronx for Caracol, with the production of three seasons of General Naranjo, and also mentioned they are about to start shooting the fourth season of Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso.

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