Café con Aroma de Mujer is a classic novel adapted to current times

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 26, 2021

Juan Pablo Posada de RCN

Café con Aroma de Mujer, the original project of the RCN Channel, reaches de screens stronger than ever with a new version adapted by Adriana Suárez, writer and librettist very close to the renowned and acclaimed Fernando Gaitán (writer of the original story in 1994).

“We decided to make this version of Café con Aroma de Mujer, because, although the original from 25 years ago is still relevant, we wanted to see it from a different view. A renewed story that adapts fluently with new technologies and a modern world, and a production that takes advantage of all technological advances and empowering them to turn it into a blockbuster,” comments Juan Pablo Posada, VP of Content at Canal RCN.

Café con Aroma de Mujer new version has as key element agility in its narrative, because now it has 80 episodes, instead of the more than 150 of the previous version, adapting to the current dynamics of fresh and more real narratives. It was written to keep the very essence of impossible love of the original story but in a more agile and modern way. Thanks to these changes, we are sure that it will be a production that will make everyone fall in love with it and we trust that it will reach the screens of different territories as its original version did,” adds Posada.

“At Canal RCN we are betting on content that unites the families in front of the screen thanks to current and fresh content. With productions like Pa´ Quererte, Enfermeras and Lala´s Spa we bet on multi-target productions with modern and different themes. Café con Aroma de Mujer adheres to this strategy through the structure of the classic novel told in another way, unforgettable characters and several parallel lines that add dynamics to the story and that, we are sure, will touch audiences of different ages.”

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