Del Barrio Producciones: We continue to bet on melodramas with a touch of comedy

May 22, 2024

Marcela Tedesco

Rita Solf, the head of the Dramaturgy department

Del Barrio Producciones, a leading Peruvian production company, is expanding its reach with several international projects in the pipeline. These include two co-produced films – one with Argentina and another with Chile – and a telenovela specifically designed for streaming platforms. Spearheading this international push is Rita Solf, the head of the Dramaturgy department. Under her leadership, the department has developed a slate of series and telenovela concepts, now assigned to a team of writers. This team blends established international talent with exciting new voices from Peru.

“We remain committed to heartwarming melodramas with a touch of humor. Every project we develop prioritizes the human experience. We want audiences to see themselves reflected in our stories, whether it’s through family dynamics, workplace struggles, or everyday challenges. Even within fantastical settings, our characters grapple with relatable issues that spark conversation. This approach resonates with viewers locally and internationally,” said Solf.

Solf is now at the helm, leading the writing team for her telenovela, Los Otros Concha. Originally conceived a decade ago, the series premiered in December 2023 on América Televisión and continues to air today. It captivates audiences with its relatable characters – both endearing and resilient – who navigate everyday struggles that resonate with Peruvian society. The show’s success is further bolstered by its talented and charismatic cast.

Del Barrio’s novels consistently tackle social issues, prompting readers to reflect on the challenges faced by society. In Los Otros Concha, corruption takes center stage, acting as the driving force behind the characters’ struggles and journeys. “Los Otros Concha isn’t meant to be a somber lecture,” Solf explained. “It’s a story that sparks reflection. But if there’s one message I want to convey, it’s that the fight against corruption starts with each of us.”

A story’s message is the seed of the idea, planted even before the characters and their journeys take shape. When you’re clear about the issue you want to explore, it sparks a brainstorming session: what kind of situations would best reflect this problem and bring it to life? “Don’t expect your characters to always be saints. They’ll make tough choices using the tools they have, and we might even nudge them into mistakes. But that’s the point! By grappling with these messy situations, we see how they react, and that’s what sparks reflection,” Solf explained. While the classic battle between good and evil exists, it’s often overshadowed by the characters’ desperate struggles to survive. The choices they make – right or wrong – become the driving force of the narrative.

Rita Solf penned several fictional stories, including Vacaciones en Grecia and Locura de Amor. Her works also include Mi Esperanza and Dos Hermanas, and Maricucha 2. Two of her novels, En la Piel de Alicia and En la Otra Orilla, showcased her ability to tackle challenging and thought-provoking subjects.

The first story, a raw and powerful exploration of the devastating social effects of rape on a victim and their family, presented a unique challenge for Solf. “Capturing the emotional weight of this experience for television required a delicate balance – finding the story’s humanity without resorting to the graphic details of a documentary.”

Filming En la Otra Orilla took place at the height of the pandemic, a time when film permits with health protocols were just becoming available. Del Barrio, in a testament to their dedication, chose to tackle this challenge head-on by moving forward with this production.

“The characters’ isolation due to social distancing forced them to rely on phone calls and outdoor conversations,” Solf explained. “This limitation became an opportunity to portray their rich inner lives despite the vast open space around them. The story explored not just the pandemic’s impact, but also the universal themes of love, heartbreak, and the everyday challenges we all face.”