NBCUniversal’s Marcello Coltro: Ojos de Mujer is a social experiment

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 3, 2021

Presentacion Ojos de Mujer de E!Entertainment

Ojos de Mujer (12×60’), which debuts this Thursday, December 2 at 10pm in Latin America and at 9pm in Guatemala/Costa Rica on E! Entertainment Latin America, is “a social experiment” according to Marcello Coltro, Senior VP of Content and Creative Services at NBCUniversal International Networks Latin America.

“We want to impact audiences and trigger conversation in homes, to open up and amplify women’s voices,” said Coltro during the virtual presentation of the show to the media that included the three hosts of Ojos de Mujer: the influencer, Chiky Bombom; the Mexican actress, Elizabeth Gutiérrez, and the Venezuelan presenter and comedian, Erika de la Vega, as well as the Mexican Carla Medina, who served as moderator.

The show was produced by High Hill at studios in Miami, while the casting was overseen by Olga Dager, Director of Content for Lifestyle and Variety at NBCUniversal and producer at High Hill. Shows like Ojos de Mujer are part of a diversity initiative promoted by the company three years ago, which began with the first original production in Brazil, Born to Fashion, with transgender people.

During the presentation, each host talked about what had impacted her the most in this first season. For Chiky Bombom was the transgender issue in addition to “the opportunity to give people a positive message and to empower women.” Gutiérrez mentioned the issue of tattoos, while for de la Vega was the issues of minorities, abortion, solidarity between women, self-pleasure, and infidelity t. For her part, Medina pointed to LGBTQ issues and salary equity.

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