New York once more is the center of the Hispanic TV industry for the 13th Annual Hispanic Television Summit

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 20, 2015

The 13th Annual Hispanic Television Summit will be held on Thursday October 22 at the Park Central Hotel New York.The opening keynote conversation (9- 9:30am) is Turning loyal viewers into your new customers. The interviewer is Mark Robichaux, editorial director, Broadcasting & Cable and Multichannel News. The keynote presenter is Gonzalo Del Fa, president, GroupM Multicultural.Session #1 is Expanding media options expands reach (9:30-10:10am). The moderator is Barry Frey, president & CEO, DPAA. The panelists are: Danielle Cherry, SVP Human Experience Strategist, Starcom Mediavest Group; Carol Hinnant, SVP, National Television, Rentrak; Eric Mathewson, founder and CEO, WideOrbit; Isaac Mizrahi, co-president, Chief Operating Officer, Alma and, Lisa Torres, president, ZOmulticutural.Between 10:10 to 10:15am, María Jesús Pérez, RTVE Head of International Sales will do a presentation of the new channel STAR TVE HD. Session #2 is Who’s Who’s watching what programming, and where are they watching? (10:30-11:10am). The moderator is David Puente, Communications Coach – U.S. & LatAm, Clarity Media Group. The panelists are Trina Fresco, VP of U.S. Community Alliances, Events and Engagement, Nielsen; Javier García, VP & general manager, Multicultural Services, Comcast Cable; Allan Navarrete, EVP & general manager, Mexico, Andean Region, Central America and U.S. Hispanic, Discovery Networks Latin America/U.S. Hispanic; Daniel Rodriguez, co-executive VP, Endemol Shine Latino; Bilai Joa Silar, SVP, Programming & Production, NBC Universo and; Michelle Webb, executive director, Content Acquisition & Strategy, GM & CEO for the FiOS1 Local Channels, Verizon Communications.From 11:10 to 11:30am there will be a special presentation: How to create original content while dancing with the advertising stars. The interviewer is María Celeste Arrarás, co-anchor, Noticiero Telemundo; Host, Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste and the presenter is Luis Silberwasser, president, Telemundo Network.From 11:30 to 12pm, session #3 is Transitioning telenovela traditions for today. The moderator: Lucía Ballas-Traynor, Hispanic Sales and Marketing veteran. The panelists are: Perla Farías, Vice President, Novela Development, Telemundo; Alex Sepiol, SVP Original Scripted Programming, USA Network and, Alan J. Sokol, president & Chief Executive Officer, Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.The Awards presentation and networking lunch celebration is at 12–1:25pm, where the host, singer and actress Lucero will receive the Achievement in Hispanic Television, while Verizon will be presented with the Leadership in Hispanic Television. Javier Farfán, VP of Cultural Engagement, Verizon, will be receiving the award.Other conversations featured in the program are The art of content marketing, session #4 is Marketing to attract viewers and retain customers; a special research presentation entitled Is there a better way? A new model to measure the changing hispanic TV audience. The session #5 Is online the answer? The attraction of online distribution and TV everywhere. The session #6 is For Hispanic sports fans, there’s soccer and much more, and the closing keynote is A look ahead at the business of soccer on television.

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viernes, 17 de enero de 2025


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