Punta Fina aims to strengthen its five specialties plus adding new services such as writing movies and being showrunners

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| April 7, 2023

Rosa Clemente y Raul Prieto de Puntafina

Rosa Clemente and Raúl Prieto, founders of Punta Fina content factory, revealed details about the new stage the company is experiencing in a new edition of #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra, in which the emphasis is quality of its proposals rather than expanding territories or growing in size. It also encompasses the diversification of its services, specialization, becoming showrunners of its own creations, and assembling a scriptwriters team.

“More than growing, we want to enhance our creativity,” said Raúl Prieto, while Rosa Clemente compared it with a laser: a great focus of light for each project putting in motion all the experience of their 11 years of existence.

The idea is to strengthen the five special areas in which they work: commissioned stories, original stories, adaptations, parameter adjustment, and script doctor. “For us, it is very important to consolidate production in Colombia, reinforce production in Argentina, consolidate the conquest of the Spanish market, continue to grow and continue to be solid and very stable in Mexico and the US Hispanic,” said Raúl Prieto.

In addition, they opened a specialty cinema area with a team led by Julieta Steinberg.

Rosa Clemente will be the showrunner of a comedy to be produced in Colombia. She will be backed up by Punta Fina’ comedy team to answer any questions that arise during production. It is the second time that Punta Fina plays the role of showrunner in a production written by them.

“Don’t forget what you dreamed about when you were writing, don’t forget that magic, don’t forget that childish creativity, don’t forget that child’s heart that you have to create. Creativity is a game, keep playing it even in production. There is an adult part that will guide you to produce, to make decisions, to be organized, to have the discipline you need so that that creativity has a path,” said Clemente.

“Punta Fina supports its young creatives,” said Raúl Prieto while working on the set for a project for a Mexican platform, a Latin American thriller written by a young Colombian creative from Punta Fina: Luis Carlos Ávila, who is an expert in creating stories from scratch, just as others in the team are specialists in thriller or comedy dialogue, romantic comedy, creators and head writers of thriller, novels, among others.

Prieto shared that Connie Acosta, head writer for Colombia, came to Mexico to support the set and guarantee that Ávila’s work is carried out as closely as possible to his initial idea.

Raúl Prieto and Rosa Clemente explained that Peces Dorados, an awarding program to discover new talent in script writing – covers two categories: Film and Television Series. Peces Dorados Film will be presented this year at festivals in Spain, such as Málaga, San Sebastián, and Iberseries Platino Industria, in alliance with Egeda, where the awarding will take place, in October, in Madrid.

“And this year the big surprise we have is that we are launching Peces Dorados Televisión for Latin America, taking place at MIP Cancun together with the PRODU Awards, which are super spectacular awards, because it is the industry that rewards the industry,” Prieto said after announcing that they will have a guest, a very special ‘guest’, who will be announced soon.

View the interview with Rosa Clemente and Raúl Prieto, on #PRODUprimetime con Ríchard Izarra

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