RMVISTAR: We are shooting the movie Milly about the singer Milly Quezada in the Dominican Republic

Miryana Márquez| November 25, 2022

Rose Marie Vega FICMARKET

Rose Marie Vega, president of RMVISTAR, was at the Santo Domingo Film & Content Market distributing its content, where she also was taking the opportunity to oversee the recording of Milly, the film she’s producing in Santo Domingo about the life of singer Milly Quezada, which began filming in October.

“There is great talent in this country, that is why we are here supporting the first edition of this event. I can’t say much about the sales or the projects that are coming out, but I’m very happy to be here. In addition, we are offering a product that we are doing here and that we will ready in early 2023 in New York, which is the biopic about Milly Quezada,” said Vega.

She indicated that it is a very beautiful production, where there is a lot of color and music, highlighting the Latino woman and culture. Despite leaving the island very young to move to the US, her roots have always been alive, especially regarding music. “Milly tells the story of every struggling Latina woman who went to live in another country, but still triumphed with a lot of work.”

On the same theme of women, Vega reported that the main course in recent events, as well as in FICMARKET Santo Domingo, is La Chica que Limpia, by Jaque Content, which has already reached the US and many other territories. “I hope that we can place it here and around the world to continue giving strength and hope to all women,” she concluded.

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