Sabbatical announces the third season of Planeta de Niños for Univision and presents two new educational series

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 18, 2022

ADN Animal de Sabbatical

Sabbatical Entertainment announces the third season of the children’s educational series, Planeta de Niños, for Univision, and presents two brand new educational series.

The U.S.-based Hispanic network has commissioned the third season of Planeta de Niños, a children’s series about values, ethics, and making good decisions; weaving elements of history, culture, and other important subjects into the lessons. The series provides a fresh, engaging learning experience for young children, presented from their perspective.

In parallel, Sabbatical’s travel and culture series, El Mundo es Tuyo, has also been renewed on Unimas.

Sabbatical continues its focus on creating meaningful, compelling programming by announcing the production of two new series, as well, which also blend education and entertainment for teens and families alike.

Animal DNA (26×22′) is a captivating wildlife series, fueled by spectacular footage of the varied species within the animal kingdom, and positive messaging around conservation and the protection of our planet and its unique animal inhabitants.

All The Answers (26×22′) is an engaging and informative series about interesting topics of all kinds – a “did you know” adventure with no boundaries.

“Creating entertaining programs that also contribute to the education and betterment of the younger generation is a commitment and an honor for the entire Sabbatical team. It has been at the center of our mission as a company from the very beginning and will continue to be, going forward. We are thrilled that these shows have been so well received in the global marketplace. More to come,” said Miguel Somoza, CEO of Sabbatical.

Sabbatical’s new series are available immediately, worldwide.

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