Semillitas premieres the second season of Louie

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 9, 2021

Louie Semillitas

Semillitas premiered the second season of the popular Louie series on Monday, March 8. The channel seeks as a programming strategy to extend the high-quality series it presents and to refresh the screen by licensing new carefully selected content. This content is in a top-quality and culturally relevant graphic package, intended to preserve the traditions and values of the Latino family.

In this new season, Louie continues his adventures with his friend Yoko explaining to the audience how to draw in a few easy steps. The series is based on Yves Got’s books which were very successful around the world. The books have been published in thirteen countries with more than 1,500,000 copies sold.

During the different stages of drawing, Louie and Yoko discover opposite notions, such as round/square, hot/cold, fast/slow among others. The ability to interact is an important concept of this series. By talking directly to the children and giving them time to think and do things, Louie and Yoko actively encourage and approach young viewers. At the end of the episode, Louie and Yoko repeat the drawing giving the children the opportunity to memorize it or simply draw it at the same time. Children truly engage with the characters and are able to participate in all their adventures. From passive viewers to active participants, audiences soon benefit and become creative artists.

Alongside other animations from well-known brands such as Little People, P. King Duckling, Doozers, Elijah, Mouk, Louie strengthens the select content that Semillitas offers to its audience, in these times when teaching and entertaining children from the comfort of their homes is essential.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 23 de enero de 2025


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