Samsung Electronics and Universal Pictures announced global marketing Alliance for the new film Jurassic World

17 de junio de 2015

Nastascha Contreras

Samsung Electronics established a global marketing Alliance with Jurassic World -the fourth film in the franchise Jurassic Park, originally by Steven Spielberg- with which it presented exclusive content from the movie on their SUHD television sets in retail stores in the US, until its launching last Friday June 12th. As part of the multiplatform collaboration, Samsung was also present in the premiere of Jurassic World and in the subsequent celebration. “To partner with Universal Pictures gives us a unique opportunity to show our innovative technology and create an integrated marketing campaign, linked to one of the most important movies of the year” said Won Pyo Hong, President and Marketing Director at Samsung Electronics in a release. The Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center, visitor’s center in the Jurassic World Park in a cloud island, presents high tech interactive exhibitions that provide immersive experiences to visitors.