Juan Torres from FCA EE UU: We are passionate about the Hispanic audience and want to connect with them in innovative ways

19 de septiembre de 2016

Manuela Walfenzao

Juan Torres, responsable de la Publicidad Multicultural de Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

Juan Torres, Responsible for Multicultural Advertising at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) U.S., explained to PRODU that for them “content is as important as language. We are passionate about the Hispanic audience and want to connect with them in innovative ways. We have exciting projects for RAM that we are going to share in the coming months.” Recently, they launched the campaign Boss for RAM with “the intention of telling a story about Latino’s way of thinking. Latinos -as bosses and owners of their own destiny- keep moving forward and respond to challenges. Beyond figurative speech, the campaign was also built on the vision that Hispanics are increasingly more prone to be autonomous, compared to non-Hispanics. RAM is both the ally and the shield for our heroe” he explained. RAM has been a pioneer in digital communications. In 2014, they partnered with a pilot program called Los Cowboys that was aired on Hulu and is currently a series on They have an alliance with CNN en Español and are the sponsors of the RAM Copa Alianza soccer league. The brand carries out important social work, committed with Hispanics. Latins in Connection, Operation Joy and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists are just some of the organizations they support.Torres said to conclude that “in order to continue the brand’s growth, it is important to understand the lens through which consumers see you to integrate cultural values in the messages.”