Making an inspiring story in complex production circumstances

October 20, 2020

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Rosy Ocampo en presentación de Vencer el desamor

Televisa presented Vencer el Desamor, under the executive production of Rosy Ocampo. It is the company’s second delivery of the original franchise, Vencer, which debuted on Las Estrellas Monday 12 at 8:30pm.

“We managed to make an inspiring story in complex production circumstances. This reveals an alternative for a better tomorrow and presents complex topics, but taking care of the schedule we have. I am grateful for the commitment and dedication of the entire team, we have heroes behind and in front of the screen,” stated Ocampo in the virtual conference after presenting a video of the shooting in which they showed how they complied with the health protocols.

The production company assured that the original story gave the writers´ team the possibility of covering current topics with dedicated research for them to find support from the Fundación Televisa and other specialized institutions. At the end of each episode, there is a message on the issue and a contact form to support families that could be going through similar situations.

Vencer el Desamor is an original story by Pedro Armando Rodríguez, Claudia Velazco, Humberto Robles, Alejandra Romero, Gerardo Pérez Zermeño and Gustavo Bracco. Stage direction is under the responsibility of Benjamín Cann and Fernando Nesme, camera direction under Manuel Barajas´ and Vivian Sánchez. Silvia Cano is the Associate Producer.