We are part of a dramatic collective trigger

April 30, 2020

Maribel Ramos-Weiner

Luis Zelkowicz

The writer Luis Zelkowicz, from Telemundo, took part in #PRODUprimetime where he told Ríchard Izarra about his vision at this moment: “Fort he first time, we feel we are part of a collective dramatic trigger, we are part of the same story”.

From his house in Miami, the writer spoke about what his routine is like during the pandemic. He said he was starting to write Malverde, el Santo Patrón, that takes place in Mexico in 1910 and even though its characters are not undergoing a crisis like the current one, everything is going to be different, in writing as well.

“It is a great challenge for all of us who write to establish a pattern in the rhythm and expectation of this new way to write, think, and live,” he expressed.

Zelkowicz remembered hits such as El Señor de Los Cielos, one of the longest and most successful series on Telemundo. Now Malverde, he commented, “will give a lot to talk about”.

The author also mentioned how high the quality bar currently was in the industry, both in stories and in production. He said that good, three-dimensional characters, with excellent artists and depth, had a decisive role in ensuring stories´ success.

Watch interview with Luis Zelkowicz on #PRODUprimetime with Ríchard Izarra