22nd Annual Hispanic TV Summit focuses on reflecting Latinos on TV

September 4, 2024

José Cancela, president of Telemundo Station Group, and John Leguizamo, comedian, actor, writer, and producer, are among the speakers of the event

Dynamic speakers like comedian, actor, writer, and producer John Leguizamo, executives like Telemundo Station Group, president, José Cancela, as well as leading producers, programmers, content distributors, media strategists, and broadcast news journalists headline the 22nd Annual Hispanic Television Summit, to be presented next Wednesday, September 11, 2024, by B+C and Multichannel News magazines as part of Future’s NYC TV Week.

The Summit, produced by Schramm Marketing Group, is the leading annual event for those in the business of television for Hispanics in the U.S. and worldwide.

This year’s theme is in response to the growing demand for improved on-screen representation of Latino voices, images, and storylines.

Leguizamo’s session will focus on this theme of how Latinos are reflected in television during a discussion about his new series American Historia scheduled to premiere on PBS stations in September. Leguizamo is joined by producer Ben DeJesus of NGL Studios/mitu, and Luis Ortiz, managing director of Latino Public Broadcasting.

The theme remains consistent throughout the agenda. Isabella Sánchez of Zubi Advertising, and current chair of the Hispanic Marketing Council, opens the summit by commenting on how Latinos are reflected in media.

In another session, moderated by Cynthia Hudson, president of CNN en Español, on-air journalists from English and Spanish language broadcast TV stations, discuss how Latino stories are reflected in the news.  Another session features leading programming executives and producers from Canela Media, Endemol Shine, Sirk Productions, and Warner Brothers / Discovery who discuss the challenges of the green-lighting process in the Hispanic market for new formats and original content, while the day’s final session has distribution and programming executives from Castalia, Condista, Google, Parrot Analytics and V-me who review the process for distribution of content to Hispanic audiences.

To view the live agenda, click here

To register to attend the event click here

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