Adicta Films: co-producing the series Run Coyote Run with FOX International Channels for Latin America

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 5, 2013

Gustavo Loza, producer and founder of Adicta Films

Gustavo Loza, producer and founder of Adicta Films, announced his company is currently writing scripts for the series Run Coyote Run, a co-production with FOX International Channels for Latin America, which will touch on the issues of illegal immigration and smugglers.”Run Coyote Run is intended for Latin America and U.S. Hispanic, but given the kind of project, it could very well cross over to general market. It will feature an international cast composed of Mexican and American actors. We’ve been working on it for a year and are now writing scripts, which should be ready by early January so we can shoot in February or March,” said Loza.He said the focus of the series is the traffic of illegal immigrants across the border, but seen from a comedic point of view.“It’s a sitcom that deals with a delicate subject such as people smuggling. It tackles the issue of polleros (smugglers), but from a different angle. We see two characters on the edge from the perspective of comedy, but not irresponsibly or disrespectfully. We are aware of the problem, but we’re also tired of seeing all the drama and tragic stories,” added Loza.He said the cast has not yet been defined, but that they would follow the American model and shoot more than one season.Finally, the producer of series such as La Clínica and El Albergue, said they have a good relationship with Cadenatres and are currently in conversations to work together on new projects, which may become a reality on 2014.

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