Adicta Films: Directing Betty en Nueva York for Telemundo is a challenge for me to make different contents

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 24, 2018

Gustavo Loza Adicta Films

The version for US Hispanic of Yo Soy Betty la Fea, produced by Telemundo under the title Betty en Nueva York, will be directed by Gustavo Loza, who assured it is a challenge in his career that will allow him to continue his international expansion, given that it is a production for the US market.

“Ricardo Coeto invited me to direct this project, which represents something new for me. I normally dedicate to my own projects, but I liked the challenge of doing something different in another country, another format with actors from all over since interiors will be shot in Miami, but locations will be in New York,” commented Loza.

He explained there would be more than 100 episodes; however, “I will only direct some of them, those I can from August to January since I have commitments with FOX to make the third season of Run Coyote Run”.

He highlighted that he ignored the scope of Yo Soy Betty La Fea worldwide, which is why “it is even more interesting for me to explore this territory, doing my own version of a Colombian proposal and that after, Salma Hayek made it a hit in the US”.

Finally, he highlighted that he is in the postproduction phase of the second season of Run Coyote Run, and is already working on writing the third, whose production will begin in January.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024


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