BTF Media: The shooting of series on Maradona begins in Europe

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 30, 2019

Francisco Cordero BTF Media

Francisco Cordero, CEO of BTF Media, reported that this week the shooting of the series on the life of Maradona begins in Barcelona, Spain. It will take six weeks, and then the production will continue in Naples, Italy for eight weeks more. The series is being made in a partnership between Dhana Media and Raze, and is distributed by Disney.

“Day number 62 of the shooting has just ended in Argentina, where everything went excellently. We are also about to have a week of shooting in Uruguay, for the first episode that is the story of Diego Maradona in Punta del Este, which could take place once the shooting in Barcelona is finished or after Italy. Then, the production will continue in Mexico. In September we will have finished shooting the first 10 episodes, while in August we will start pre-production of the following 10 episodes that are currently in script development,” said Francisco Cordero.

By incorporating Amazon into the project, it went from being a Latin American series to become a global series, so it grew in budget and proportions, he explained, after expressing that the experience in Argentina turned out to be very positive and was a big challenge. “It was our first production in that country, we had great experiences and are here to stay. We already have another series and a film for the local market.”

Alejandro Aimetta directed in Argentina and will do so in Mexico and Uruguay, whereas in Europe the direction will be under the responsibility of European teams, eventhough Aimetta as the showrunner will lead the unity of the project, so there are no direction variations in the series.

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