Canela Media announced the return of Hyundai as a presenting sponsor for the series Secretos de Villana 3

April 10, 2024

Secretos de Villanas will premiere in the Fall of 2024

Canela Media announced the return of Hyundai as a presenting sponsor for the highly anticipated Season 3 of hit reality series Secretos de Villanas set to premiere in the Fall of 2024. Building on their successful collaboration, Hyundai’s sponsorship expands this year to include new & exclusive custom content integrations.

Hyundai’s continued partnership with Canela Media marks its third consecutive year as a presenting sponsor, underscoring its commitment to engaging with the U.S. Hispanic audience. This year, Hyundai’s exclusive branded content reveals the newest Villana, iconic telenovela star Catherine Siachoque, featured alongside co-star Aylin Mujica, who invites Catherine to come along on this new season and picks her up in her Hyundai Santa Fe to go on this new journey together.

This two-part custom content promises to captivate audiences with the first part launching in March with the reveal of the new Villana and the second part closer to series premier in the Fall as both Aylín and Catherine embark on the trip of a lifetime together.

Both branded content videos will feature exclusive moments for Canela.TV’s audience brought to them exclusively by Hyundai.

“We’re excited to extend our sponsorship of Secretos de Villanas and authentically engage with the U.S. Hispanic market,” said Erik Thomas, director of experiential marketing, Hyundai Motor America. “Canela Media plays a crucial role as a strategic partner in amplifying Hyundai’s dedication to innovation and adventure alongside the talented cast. This year’s branded content, featuring Aylin Mujica introducing the newest Villana, Catherine Siachoque, promises to captivate Canela.TV’s audience, and we’re thrilled to share this announcement with viewers.”

“This year’s partnership with Hyundai builds on the success of past seasons, bringing new dimensions and exclusive content to the beloved series through Hyundai’s commitment to Canela.TV and engaging with U.S. Hispanic consumers,” said Oswald Méndez, CMO of Canela Media. “Connecting brands with U.S. Hispanic audiences in authentic and relevant ways is core to our purpose which is why our ongoing partnership with Hyundai is so meaningful.”

Catherine Siachoque, will join the cast lineup of iconic Latina actresses including Laura Zapata, Gaby Spanic, Cynthia Klitbo, Sabine Moussier and Aylin Mujica, promising a season filled with drama, glamour, and unforgettable moments.

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