CNN Max launches in an open beta in the U.S.

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 27, 2023

Logo de CNN Max

Max, Warner Bros. Discovery’s streaming platform, launched CNN Max today, a 24/7 streaming news offering now available to users alongside expanded access to News content and CNN Originals. Current Max subscribers can now find this collection of content on the top navigation bar under News Beta, or through the CNN Max hub.

CNN Max is part of an open beta for news that will enable experimentation and learning with product features, content offerings, and original storytelling, all with input and feedback from the Max community.

This new 24/7 streaming service will bring the immediacy and value of global breaking news with top analysis, context, and reporting across all the biggest stories in the world to the Max streaming audience and enhance the product with the convenience of viewing news at anytime, anywhere, and on your preferred screen.

Featuring the most notable worldwide CNN anchors, the new service will include bespoke programming built specifically for the Max streaming audience along with additional familiar programming featuring the most notable worldwide CNN anchors, correspondents, and contributors. Jim Sciutto will also lead breaking news coverage on the platform in the afternoons.

Subscribers also have expanded access to CNN Originals, and additional News content within CNN Max. This features over 900 episodes of current and legacy programming, including CNN Originals Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace? and The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper, alongside CNN Original Series such as Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (Seasons 1-12) and Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy (Seasons 1-2), and the CNN Films’ and Max Original NAVALNY.

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