Lemon Studios: With Las Azules we tell a story about women pioneers in a male-dominated field

Vanessa Maldonado| August 9, 2024

Pablo Aramendi is the creator and writer of Las Azules, a series by Lemon Films for Apple TV+

On July 31, Apple TV+ premiered its new original series Las Azules, produced by Lemon Studios and written by Pablo Aramendi. Aramendi discussed the seven years of work it took to bring this story to the screen, which was initially conceived as a film.

The writer explained that the project originated after learning that Mexico City was the first city in the world to accept women into the police force over a century ago, “which was not well received by the society of that time, and they were removed; however, the program returned in the 1960s, intending to make them the friendly and fresh face of the police.”

Aramendi decided to present it to Lemon Films, with whom he began working on it as a film. Still, “since it is a very large project, we didn’t see it as a series initially, but the story began to grow, and Apple TV+ showed interest in turning it into a long ten-episode series with one-hour episodes. There, we could develop and delve more into the characters, which is the most important point of the project.”

For the story’s development, the team had a documentation process where the series’ killer “is based on others in Mexican history. For the central characters, we conducted a series of interviews with members of the first police squad in Mexico City, who provided us with information to achieve this.”


One of the main features that make this series attractive, Aramendi asserted, “is having pioneering women in a male-dominated field. We created a very rich universe with a lot to offer, featuring complex characters and a great story. We knew we were facing a great challenge because these are delicate issues,” and he added that they managed to recreate an era with costumes, imagery, and music that were successful at the time.

Regarding his view of the industry, the screenwriter opined that Mexico has a lot of local content; however, “we must accept the challenge of competing with the rest of the world, with ‘Las Azules’ being an international market project from the beginning.”

The series also features Miguel Rodarte, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Christian Tappán, and Horacio García Rojas. It consists of ten episodes, with one episode airing weekly until September 25.

Aramendi has participated in series broadcasts in more than 60 countries, such as El Internado and Los Hombres de Paco, as well as Algo Que Celebrar. For the English-speaking market, he developed and co-wrote the micro-series All Wrong.

Among his upcoming projects as a writer are the films Los Días Que No Estuve, and Noche de Ficheros, and by the end of the year, he will release the series Bienvenidos a la Familia, a Mexican remake of the Spanish hit on Netflix.

Watch the trailer of Las Azules

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