Three productions out of the four that have won Univision`s primetime in the 2019-2020 season are from W Studios, led by Patricio Wills, president of Televisa Estudios.
According to the last Univision ranking, La Usurpadora at 9pm was #2, Rubí at 10pm was #3, and Como Tú No Hay Dos was #4, also at 10pm. All these are W Studios productions.
#1 was the Turkish novel Amor Eterno at 9pm by the Turkish production company Ay Yapim.
The rest were as follows: #5 Te Doy la Vida, 8pm; #6 Ringo la Pelea de su Vida, 8pm; #7 Amar a Muerte, 10pm; #8 Cuna de Lobos, 9pm; #9 Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, 9pm; #10 Médicos, Línea de Vida, 9pm; #11 El Dragón, 10pm; #12 Sin Miedo a la Verdad, 10pm; #13 La Reina Soy Yo, 8pm; #14 Por Amar Sin Ley, 10pm; and #15 Doña Flor y Sus Dos Maridos, 9pm.