NATPE 2014 shows double-digit growth in registrations

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 13, 2013

Rod Perth, presidente and CEO of NATPE||Content First

NATPE||Content First president and CEO Rod Perth announced steady increases in registration for domestic and international buyers, exhibitors and general attendees for the upcoming 2014 NATPE market and conference, taking place January 27-29, 2014 at the Fontainebleau Hotel Resort in Miami Beach. Perth also announced the conference lineup, which is comprised of leaders from the content, advertising and technology sectors, who will be participating in a dynamic series of one-on-one conversations, panels and presentations. Registration for both domestic and international buyers is pacing well ahead of last year at this time, with double-digit growth. Forty-four percent of the registered buyers are international, representing 46 different countries. In addition, 28 station groups are participating, many of which are taking advantage of NATPE’s Station Group Incentive Program, a concierge service offering a variety of packages for groups of different sizes.There are currently 225 exhibitors, 34 of which are attending NATPE for the first time. In addition, five exhibitors are returning this year after some years of absence. For the second year in a row, each of the major studios will be at NATPE. The exhibitors come from 23 different countries, including increased participation from the UK, France, Spain and Germany. “With this being my second year at NATPE, we’ve seen a lot of growth and development in key areas of our business that will continue to deliver on our mission to break down the traditional barriers within our industry, and create an environment where deals get done, across every platform. With January just a few weeks away, we’re optimistic about the upcoming market and conference,” says Perth.The 2014 conference theme is “No Barriers. New Business”, reflecting NATPE’s commitment to creating the first and most important must-attend market of the year for the linear and digital content communities, and increasingly, for advertisers and brands.

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