Netflix: We have content from other regions to withstand the strike for a long time

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| May 10, 2023

Ted Sarandos de Netflix

Ted Sarandos, co-CEO of Netflix, said during his company’s financial report, before the beginning of the writers’ strike in the US, that he was not too concerned about it because Netflix had enough content to endure without writers for a long time.

Netflix is currently producing content in different parts of the world. The platform recently announced a massive production in both Latin America and South Korea, in addition to all their production in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. “Yes, the strike will affect local content, and we don’t want this to happen, however, we have enough material ready and scripts in other parts of the world to continue offering our subscribers. We are more prepared than the other players for this scenario,” he commented.

Regarding Sarandos’s comments, Jason Squire, a professor at the USC (University of Southern California) Film School, said: “This strike can last a long time. When a strike like this happened years ago, the audiovisual industry lost a lot of money. It’s nice that Netflix is not concerned right now, but I don’t know if they will be in six months’ time.”

On the morning of Wednesday the 3rd, the writing team for Cobra Kai, one of Netflix’s main franchised series, announced that they had stopped writing the scripts for the sixth season. This, without a doubt, affects the platform where many subscribers are there for a specific series.

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