Sabbatical: Proud to be working on the third season of Planeta de Niños for Univision

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| July 22, 2022

Miguel Somoza Sabbatical Kidscreen

At the Kidscreen Summit, Sabbatical Entertainment presented the third season of its show Planeta de Niños, which was approved by Univision in the US. “We are proud that Univision requested us for a third season based on the success of the series,” said Miguel Somoza, CEO of Sabbatical Entertainment. With this new season, Planeta de Niños has 78 half-hour episodes.

“Educating this digital generation is a great responsibility for us, offering ethics, morals, and virtues, which today, I believe, are vital and have been well received. This is the first generation who grew up with a phone or an iPad in their hand and we must be accountable about how we offer them content,” he commented.

They are working on two new series –ADN Animal (26×30′) and El Que Sabe, Sabe (26×30′)- that will be ready by the end of the year.

Somoza noted that all these products qualify as educational material to cover the quota that the US FCC demands from TV channels. “It has been our niche and makes up the majority of our catalog”.

Regarding the upcoming Qatar 2022 World Cup, they have prepared 108 two-minute capsules, developed in a more traditional format of eight half-hour episodes or a 90-piece special. “It has a lot of information about Qatar. It gives viewers the chance to relive unforgettable moments and admire icons from the past, memorable matches, and previous World Cups. This goes hand in hand with the Maradona documentary that we just finished,” he said. The Maradona documentary is available on ViX, Pluto TV, and Amazon. “It is the second episode of the franchise Desde las Gradas. The first was Pelé and now we are deciding which will be the next one”.

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