Secuoya: Platform’s investment in the market continues to be high

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 15, 2023

Raúl Berdonés de Grupo Secuoya

Raúl Berdonés, founder and president of Grupo Secuoya, disagrees with the idea that the audiovisual market is going through a bad moment. “I don’t agree. I have been talking with colleagues and actually, investment hasn’t gone down. We were used to the past year in which we went through exponential growth, almost two digits, year after year, sometimes duplicating the investment. I think what OTTs have done is maintain the investment that was forecasted, as well as the level of investment in 2023” he commented. 

He explained that the level of investment continues to be high. “It is not going to grow, but it is not going to go down” he assured. However, he does believe the perspective is going to change: there will be fewer projects, but they will be bigger.

“Additionally, we are witnessing a clear change in the model in OTTs. They are tending more than ever to windowing, that is the current model we, from Secuoya Studios, are betting on. We think studios must bet on taking risks, retaining IP and IP rights, and selling windows instead of selling originals” he said.

One case he mentioned is that of El Zorro. “It is our own IP, which we have sold to different windows, to 14 countries already. It allows us not only greater monetization but also that monetization is seen in production. Larger productions can be made without having a single client take it all” he mentioned.

According to Raul Berdones, studios and producers have to have the right to revenue for what they do. And this right is the creative aspect, “which in the end allows us to have our own IP, to keep it and be able to explore it in the future if it is successful” he ended.

Watch the interview with Raul Berdones on the situation of the audiovisual market in 2023 and 2024

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