Secuoya Studios Stories: We will produce Brave and Beautiful with Ay Yapim and Manuela with CMO

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 13, 2023

En Vivo Eduardo Galdo Secuoya Studios Stories

Secuoya Studios Stories, a division of Secuoya Studios, announced that they are working on four ‘serielas’ (telenovelas + series) that they will produce with Ay Yapim (Turkey) on EN VIVO with Ríchard Izarra from PRODU, during Iberseries & Platino Industria. Eduardo Galdo, director of Secuoya Studios Stories, gave details of the three series, the first being Brave and Beautiful, in addition to an agreement with CMO of Colombia for the co-production of Manuela, La Historia de Manuelita Sáenz, a personification of a free and empowered woman.

He said he likes the term ‘serielas’ because it defines this new generation of productions that takes from the telenovela tradition but with other themes, another vision of love stories.

He explained that the alliance with Ay Yapim began when he found a rich catalog of products known as Fatmagül, productions recognized for their high production standards. Brave and Beautiful is a story of love and revenge that will be adapted to Spanish reality and will begin production in June 2024. He noted that national chains of Spain and one from Latin America are already interested in the series. The original, released in 2016, was nominated for the Emmy and has been seen in 60 countries, ten in Latin America.

The other two productions of the agreement with Ay Yapim are 20 minutes, which a national network also has shown interest in and will be filmed in the second half of 2024, and Love Storm, of which there are no defined production times yet.

Regarding the agreement with CMO, he explained that the relationship comes from admiration and the company’s high production standard, like Pálpito, which he claims moved him. He mentioned there was an innate chemistry and a lot of harmony from day one. Manuela has its ‘bible’ developed by Lele Portas and Johanna Gutiérrez. “The entire structure and production style needs a large team, a mixed team, both Spanish and Colombian.”

“We have surprised the Spanish industry. With the production of Latin American telenovelas, we want to revolutionize the genre from Spain, and the combination of Latin America (CMO) with the agreement with Turkey could be the beginning of something interesting.”

The event also included Eduardo Campoy, partner and director of Secuoya Cine, who announced that in their four years of operations they have produced 14 films, such as Cuanto me Queda, Todos lo Hacen, El Test, Héroes de Barrios, Mamá o Papá, La Piel en Llamas, Con Quién Viajas, Solo Una Vez, Litus, and El Mejor Verano de Mi Vida, among others. He said they are producing six films this year, including La Bandera, Padres, La Razonable, and Solos.

Sergio Lizarraga, deputy director of Secuoya Unscripted, noted that his department’s mission is to look for true and extraordinary stories about unique people or characters. They have seven projects on platforms and traditional TV, such as Zoom, Hoy en Día, Los Felices Veinte, The Covers, and Talento Rojo. Additionally, they have ten documentary titles already produced, and they will continue with eight documentary titles for 2024, two of which are almost ready: Una Historia de Talentos and La Dolce Vita. They are also working on a reality show, Desnudos Por la Vida, which will premiere soon.

Anna Cassina, director of International Production, closed the event by saying they are open to working with all Latin American countries with new formulas and co-productions.

Watch EN VIVO with Secuoya team introducing the content they are producing

Watch EN VIVO with Eduardo Galdo, director of Secuoya Studios Stories

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