TelevisaUnivision: El Amor No Tiene Receta is a story that will transcend

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 9, 2024

Juan Osorio: El Amor No Tiene Receta addresses themes that connect with the public

El Amor No Tiene Receta (90×60′), an original TelevisaUnivisión production that debuted in Mexico on Monday, February 19 on Las Estrellas and in the US on Univisión on Monday the 26th, “It’s going to be a story that will transcend because it carries great content” said its producer Juan Osorio,

Osorio pointed out that it is “an original story, very specific, direct, avoiding to extend the stories, and where the main star is the six-year-old, Mía, a tremendous actress. She is going to steal everyone’s hearts.”

He highlighted that El Amor No Tiene Receta addresses themes that connect with the public. “It is another alternative to our telenovela, without the ingredients of comedy, melodrama, and our great villain, Altaír Jarabo, working with Acela Robinson. We have taken care of the details to have a complete stew.”

Among the innovative elements of the production is the character of Paz Roble (Claudia Martín). “A positive woman, a fighter, always smiling despite adverse circumstances, a woman who lives by selling basket tacos, an element that had never been used, and we exploited it. She began with her taquitos and her baskets, and suddenly, she expanded into an industry after having several distributors of the same product, and her mother makes the coffee. We achieve the integration through great photography and direction by Eric Morales and Bonnie Cartas.”

Another innovation regarding the story is the difficult issue of the sale of children. “The protagonist has a baby, and her husband, an ambitious man, sells it for a lot of money to buy drugs. We see a woman unable to hug her baby but struggling to find him, to dream she with her baby sooner or later,” he pointed out.

The story also addresses inclusion by including the trans actress Coco Máxima. “Her participation is robust. She talks about her childhood as a boy, how she used her mother’s shoes, and all the process she went through to be accepted, to enter society, to show the human being that he is,” Osorio explained.

“The world is evolving; society is opening up. The sun cannot be covered with one finger. Today, we must have openness for all human beings; members of the LGBTQ community have the same rights as any person. That was why we decided that the telenovela genre must include characters from this community who suffer, love, and have the same feelings as any regular human being. I think the message is clear. We are not being disrespectful. Furthermore, Coco has a great responsibility in identifying and exalting this community and ensuring it is respected,” he said.

Another innovation is including elderly love in this story.

El Amor No Tiene Receta used several central locations. Among them are a virgin beach in Cancun, a densely populated neighborhood in Mexico City, and large mansions.

“I am happy because the novel begins in a location that I am sure the US people will love, a virgin beach with a wonderful development in Cancun. I love it because it offers people beautiful and safe places to rest,” said Osorio.

He added that they included one of the most populated neighborhoods in Mexico City, with almost two million inhabitants. “This neighborhood is compelling because there is how to stand out, how to stand out, and that was an important part too.” Plus, “some incredible houses, so the concept is at the crossroads of universes,” he added.

He noted that 180 people coexisted daily between technical areas, actors, and production. They had two production units: one in the forum and another on location.

“The funny thing here and what I must achieve is unify the criteria of the directors and of the people who participate so that there is no disparity when it comes to being on the air. It is amusing to see how Eric Morales and Bonnie Cartas agree. I have to be the person who makes the last decision. Still, the work is much easier when you are surrounded by professional and committed people, passionate about what we do,” he commented.

He highlighted that another “very nice” proposal is the original musical theme, “Si o Si,” performed by Emilio Osorio, which can connect with young people and the story.

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