TV Azteca presented its content lineup, including returning to telenovela production

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| January 31, 2024

Equipo Tv Azteca en Content Americas

Within the framework of the recent Content Americas, TV Azteca announced its new content, highlighting original production in series, reality shows, talk shows, unitary shows, and its return to the production of telenovelas. The network’s presentation had more than 100 guests, including buyers and clients of companies like Amazon, Pluto, Canela, and Telemundo.

“With a lineup that redefines standards, TV Azteca consolidates its position as a leader in the global audiovisual industry. We are committed to excellence, innovation, and diversification of our offering to capture the attention of audiences worldwide. La Captiva, Diana, and La Academia represent a renaissance in our narrative and also a bold leap towards content versatility,” said Adrián Ortega, Content Director of TV Azteca. “Our cooperation with giants such as BBC, Freemantle, Sony, Acunmedya, Eccho Line, and Caracol underlines our unwavering pursuit of quality and originality. At TV Azteca, we are raising the bar of television storytelling to new heights, and we are excited to present these productions that will define the avant-garde in 2024.”

Fernando Muñiz, director of Distribution and Strategic Alliances of TV Azteca, one of the keynote speakers, noted that these productions represent a renaissance of the company’s focus on melodrama and a step toward diversifying its offering, with genres and themes that seek to appeal to an international audience.

One of TV Azteca’s original productions for 2024 includes the telenovela La Captiva (90×60′): In the tireless search for her revenge, a woman embarks on a journey of redemption and justice. During this arduous journey, she brings down a ruthless human trafficking and slave labor network that held her captive and threatened to kill her. However, she does not foresee an unexpected turn of her destiny allowing her to reunite with her daughter, whom she believed lost forever.

Diana (Series 10×60): Diana goes to a dark place when she discovers that behind the disappearance of her daughter, there is a famous “female empowerment” organization that recruits women and disappears them. But what Diana ignores is that the enemy is closer than she imagines, and she will have to face it to rescue her daughter.

La Academia: This reality show returns seeking to discover and nurture the next musical talent, offering viewers a window into the music industry, with 24×7 broadcasting, multi-platform, a format that crosses borders, a platform that has given Mexico an entire generation of voices now positioned in all artistic and entertainment media both nationally and internationally.

Acércate a Rocío al Límite (Talk show): An open extension of the Clínica de Emociones, a space addressing harshly and without censorship controversial topics that define the daily lives of many people because they keep them in conflict with others but, above all, with themselves.

Lo que Callamos las Mujeres (new season), Un Día para Vivir (new season), Dra. Lucía, (new season), and Lotería del Crimen (new season).

BBC. The 1% club. Gameshow where the questions are not about general knowledge and common sense. Each edition begins with 100 contestants, who will face the final question, which only 1% of the population can answer correctly.

Freemantle. Family Feud: An innovative entertainment show that fuses culture, challenges, and fun to celebrate the richness and diversity of Mexico.

Sony. Escape Perfecto (new season): The hit reality show returns with a shocking set and state-of-the-art technology, with more challenges, contestants, and excitement, promising to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Acunmedya. Tempting Fortune: A fascinating look at ordinary lives transformed by extraordinary circumstances, exploring the relationship between fortune and the human experience.

Survivor (new season): The celebrity version of this exciting reality show, where contestants compete in intense challenges to win the title of survivor.

Echo Line. Abandonados (Pekín Express): A series that takes participants to remote locations, challenging them to survive in extreme conditions while exploring their resilience.

Caracol. La Isla (new season): Adrenaline is unleashed with a new season of this successful survival show, offering more extreme challenges and fierce competition.

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