Warner Bros. Discovery: Authenticity is the key behind Mexicánicos‘ success

Aliana González| July 24, 2024

Cecilia Abraham, Unscripted director, and Eva Barrera, Content & Programming Strategy director at Warner Bros. Discovery

The key to the ten-year success of the show Mexicánicos, and its popularity with the audience, is authenticity, said Cecilia Abraham, Unscripted Director, and Eva Barrera, Content & Programming Strategy Director at Warner Bros. Discovery.

They clarified that although many factors contribute to the show’s success, Martín Vaca is so endearing because he represents the entrepreneurial Mexican, fighting for his dreams and creating an immediate connection with the audience.

The show’s production has followed Martín Vaca throughout this time, witnessing the evolution and growth of his family, including the arrival of his grandchildren, who are now 8 to 10 years old and were part of the Christmas special. Nippur Media produces the show.

Over its 112 original episodes, achieving this historical milestone as the only Hispanic docu-reality show to stay on the air for so many years, Martín Vaca and his family have become characters that transcend the workshop and the content about vehicles.

“In addition to not exhausting the car topic, there’s a quest to know more about these characters and present their stories. There are also people from the workshop who accompany Martín, coming and going like any job, adding their personalities to the show. Celebrities have also been a hit. But Martín Vaca’s drive to do different things and how he inspires people is what makes him so special,” commented Cecilia Abraham.

Mexicánicos has been on the air for ten uninterrupted years with 112 original episodes, representing work on 200 cars

Mexicánicos has been on the air for ten uninterrupted years with 112 original episodes, representing work on 200 cars

Eva Barrera added that the region’s passion for vehicle repair and remodeling helps make the show successful. “But I highlight Martín Vaca’s ability to dream and make those dreams come true, even if they’re crazy dreams. He is a character many people identify with someone dear, like their father or grandfather, and with aspirations they’ve had,” she explained.


Eva Barrera announced that this will be a year of celebration. “This season we have a special episode of the Mexicánicos awards, where we’ll recount this journey,” she explained. The awards, narrated by Rafa Sarmiento, will highlight various aspects of the show in a gala style, with everyone dressed elegantly. For this anniversary, the show’s image has been refreshed.

They noted that it’s interesting that Mexicánicos not only appeals to the usual male motor audience but that half of its viewers are female.

They assured that they will continue producing Mexicánicos with many ideas in the pipeline, but they want to keep them under wraps to keep surprising the audience.

“We believe Max will attract a new audience for this series, which has always been a Discovery property. For the Hispanic audience in the U.S., the show has a solid fan base, so we will continue strengthening ties with Mexicánicos without borders, with visits to places like Chicago and Phoenix.”

They emphasized that unscripted content is significant for the channel, aiming to produce highly local content, highlighting real stories that inspire, teach, or entertain. An example of this strategy was Kilos Mortales México, which was very successful.

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Darío Gómez, de Estudios RCN

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