Cineflix Rights signs multiple-territory deal with VCNI

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 19, 2021

Cineflix Mirage

Cineflix Rights has signed a deal with ViacomCBS Networks International (VCNI), which will see international espionage drama Mirage stream on the company’s new premium SVOD service, Paramount+ in the Nordics and Latin America, and on local streaming services in the Middle East and North Africa.

Mirage (6×60’, Connect3 Media and Lincoln TV in partnership with Wild Bunch Germany for France Télévisions, ZDF Germany, Bell Media Canada, and Super Channel Canada) is the story of Claire (Marie-Josée Croze), who is starting over in Abu Dhabi with her son Zach and husband Lukas (Hannes Jaenicke). But her new expat life is overshadowed by intrigue, espionage, and an explosive love triangle after she discovers that her late husband Gabriel (Clive Standen) is still alive.

Mirage is directed by Louis Choquette (Versailles, 19-2) and created and written by Franck Philippon (No Limit, The Tunnel), Bénédicte Charles (La Légiste), and Olivier Pouponneau (Surveillance).

Mirage was the first drama series created for The Alliance, formed by France Télévisions, ZDF Germany, and Rai Italia. The series was previously sold to SBS Australia, AMC Networks Iberia, and Marjan (Iran).

James Durie, Head of Scripted, Cineflix Rights said: “Mirage is an English-language series with an exciting cast and creative team who have captured the attention of buyers around the world that are looking for a high-quality international spy thriller set in exotic locations. We are delighted that Paramount+ will be joining Mirage’s other broadcast partners as the series continues its international rollout.”

The deals with VCNI were brokered by Sandra Piha, SVP, Sales, Pan-Regional, UK, Eire, and Scandinavia, and Lucy Rawson, VP, Sales, Africa, CEE, Middle East, and Southern Mediterranean.

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