El Reino Infantil to present its catalog in MIPCOM and MIP Jr. 2024

September 18, 2024

El Reino Infantil will participate in the upcoming MIPCOM and MIP Jr. with a stand at the Spain Pavilion (stand R7.J11)

El Reino Infantil / The Children’s Kingdom presents its multilingual catalog of hit children’s series, available across different platforms and channels. It offers opportunities for co-production and a space for creative companies and producers looking to expand their digital presence worldwide.

El Reino Infantil / The Children’s Kingdom creates and distributes content for children and their families, with a YouTube network of over 250 million subscribers across eleven languages. It’s also the #1 Spanish-speaking channel in the world, with 65.7 million subscribers and 68.9 billion views.

El Reino Infantil / The Children’s Kingdom will participate in the upcoming MIPCOM event, with a stand at the Spain Pavilion (stand R7.J11), as well as in MIP Jr., offering a space for creative companies, producers, and distributors interested in expanding their digital presence worldwide.

El Reino Infantil / The Children’s Kingdom is also seeking co-production opportunities and showcasing its multilingual catalog of hit children’s series for platforms and channels, including Zenon the Farmer, Bichikids / Boogie Bugs, Zoo Songs, Blu Family, Paco the Sailor and SuperGero, developing online and offline business opportunities across Latin America, the United States, Europe and Asia.

The projects with co-production potential that will be presented at this market include:

Pili Pilota
This series for preschoolers is centered around Pili, a vibrant and imaginative little girl with an unlimited imagination and a heart full of adventure.
Target: Older Preschool (Ages 4 to 8)
Volume (pilots): 6 music videos and 6 episodes
Languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese
Technique: 2D and 3D animation

This innovative series is set in a magical world inhabited by adorable mythological creatures who attend a unique preschool focusing on environmental management.
Target: Older Preschool (Ages 4 to 8)
Volume (pilots): 6 music videos and 6 episodes
Languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese
Technique: 3D animation

Their hit series available on different platforms include:

Zenon the Farmer
An interactive CG series for preschoolers where music, songs, and adventures delight kids and the whole family. The pillars of this series include values like friendship, love, luck, clumsiness, optimism, pranks, and many adventures.
Target: Preschool + Families
Volume: 9 MV seasons + 100 Let’s Play episodes and new content under production!
Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Korean, German, Hindi, French, Russian

It’s a world filled with friendly little bugs who are full of curiosity, and joy and looking forward to having a good time! With their games and adventures, this group of friends helps teach kids to experiment, developing their motor and cognitive skills, fostering playfulness, repetition, and the ability to learn, and solving problems through values such as empathy, imagination, adaptability, curiosity, and self-confidence.
Target: Preschool + Families
Volume: Over 70 episodes!
Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Korean, German, Hindi, French, Russian

For more info click here 

Diario de Hoy

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Cóctel Estudios RCN
Luis Fernandez Telemundo
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Kuky Pumar, CEO de El Reino Infantil, compartió su experiencia en la producción digital durante Content Americas 2025

Claves en el ecosistema digital, con lecciones sobre cómo la visión estratégica y la adaptación tecnológica pueden transformar a la industria, ofreció Roberto “Kuky” Pumar, CEO de El Reino Infantil, en Content Americas 2025. Pumar, quien inició su carrera en otra industria como productor discográfico hace más de 40 años, ha sabido adaptarse a nuevos contextos y obtener oportunidades de entornos complejos. Es así como compartió su invaluable experiencia en la producción y distribución de contenido audiovisual en plataformas que son parte del poco comprendido universo digital.

Julio Rojas, escrito chileno
Netflix celular
Centro Produccion Virtual Grup Mediapro