Itoydani Corporations turns four this year

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 11, 2020

Daniel Rodriguez de Itoydani

Itoydani Corporation, distributor created by Daniel Rodríguez that handles contents from companies such as Cisneros Media, All3media, and Studio Canal, reaches four years of operations in 2020. 

“I think that for us as a company and for the industry in general, this year will be difficult in terms of how the region was growing. Countries in Latin America are coming from a 2019 that had many social problems, and just when they were expecting to begin recovering, they were hit with this huge COVID-19 problem. Open TV channels are looking for ways to lower their costs and renegotiate existing contracts more than buy -or even use- new things,” expressed Rodríguez. He mentioned that as distributors, they support their open TV clients extending payment calendars.

He explained that other windows such as pay-TV and SVOD have had upturns in their sales.

He furthered that with All3 Media they have managed the entrance of formats whose local adaptation have a more economic production. “We are doing well with negotiations and hope those negotiations are resumed when territories are activated,” he said.

He made special mention of the pleasant surprise that the reception of classic Cisneros Media novelas has been: the La Reinas package on Amazon Latin America. “I am seriously impressed,” he added.

As for what productions people will want to watch after the pandemic, Rodriguez said they will continue demanding production quality and good stories. “We are already working on preparing for the return and are planning for 2021,” he ended.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 17 de enero de 2025


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