Rod Perth, president and CEO of NATPE has extended his contract through February 2016

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 27, 2015

Rod Perth, president and CEO of NATPE//Content First, has extended his contract through February 2016, when he will join its Board of Directors to continue his engagement with the organization. Perth, who joined NATPE in May 2012, will participate in the selection of a new leader of the non-profit association and continue to manage the business throughout the course of a succession plan designed to ensure a seamless transition, NATPE Board Chairman Jordan Levin announced. Perth has led a turnaround of NATPE, which has been marked by broad growth in participation of content-centric sectors of the business that are increasingly interdependent across every distribution platform. At both the Miami and Prague markets/conferences, NATPE is where conversations begin, new relationships emerge and where the global television, digital and advertiser communities monetize content, regardless of screen or territory. “These actions we are taking reflect the culmination of a multi-year turnaround effort made possible by all of the success we’ve achieved during Rod’s watch. The very positive responses to our market/conferences in Miami and other year-round activities are a testimonial to his efforts and that of our entire NATPE staff. We will be conducting a search for a new executive who will work closely with Rod, culminating in the hand off next February following our 2016 market and conference,” Levin stated. Commenting on the transition, Perth said, “It’s been a whirlwind three years and I am proud that, along with the teamwork of this great staff and an energized board, we have successfully repositioned NATPE with a strategy that is broad and inclusive, and one that reflects the dynamic changes that are having a profound impact on our business.”

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