ViX: We premiered our first original comedy LaLola

Vanessa Maldonado| February 7, 2024

Joshua Mintz, Chief Content Officer at Dori Media International Studios, and Vincenzo Gratteri, Senior VP of Development at ViX

ViX premiered on Friday, February 2, its first romantic comedy LaLola, a current version of the Argentine telenovela of the same name. In an interview, Joshua Mintz, Chief Content Officer of Dori Media International Studios, and Vincenzo Gratteri, Senior VP of Development at ViX, talked about the main elements that make the ten-episode series not only a comedy but a combination of themes that move society today, focused mainly on the Mexican market.

“We worked to adapt the project to the Mexican idiosyncrasy. We knew the original IP, but when Joshua pitched the current version, he convinced us. In addition to the Mexican touch, there was a look that included all the issues present in the current public debate, which I think is the great virtue of the show, which is incredibly funny and very intelligent. It is not the typical comedy of avoidance; between one laugh and another, there are deep and delicate themes treated with a lot of intelligence and humor,” explained Gratteri.

For Mintz, the intention, apart from adapting it to the Mexican idiosyncrasy, was to make a timeless adaptation. “The world has evolved extensively in the last 20 years with unspoken and unknown topics. We have a wide range of definitions, but we did it gracefully with an inclusive production team. It is a pretty funny series, with real situations and a touch of comedy.”

Gratteri added that LaLola is a watershed at ViX because it is the first original comedy series that they premiered. “It took us time because it is a very commercial genre, and as our business card to the world, we wanted for it to be not just any comedy but a combination of humor and an intelligent look at current issues, giving continuity to what we do in the platform, which is given freedom to the partners because they are the ones who finish shaping these products.”

Vincenzo said that personally and professionally, LaLola’s experience left them willing to continue working together because of the trust and constructive work built between both companies. Joshua, for his part, shared that it was two years of development where he managed, as a producer, to continue working with ViX and deliver products ‘with a special touch’ that work for them. “They betted on me because I arrived with the scripts ready, and they accepted them, generating great confidence in us.”

Regarding production, Mintz noted they had the opportunity to develop the scripts without rush, and filming began with every word written. “It was one of the most organized productions we have had, meeting its goal on time. Ana Celia Urquidi and her company, Atenea Media, provided us with production services, and the closeness and friendship of so many years helped us make everything flow.”

Finally, they left the door open to work together, where Dori Media will use its IP to present them to ViX and, from there, develop new content in different genres.

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