ViX’s docu-follow Chiquis sin Filtro produced by JK Media Group and Busy Bee Productions to debut on August 16

August 2, 2024

Chiquis sin Filtro is a production of JK Media Group and Busy Bee Productions, directed by Melissa Bidwell and Mirtha Miranda as showrunner

ViX unveiled the official trailer and premiere date for its new docu-follow, Chiquis sin Filtro, featuring the dynamic Chiquis, the singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, executive producer, and master of her destiny.

Chiquis sin Filtro is a production of JK Media Group and Busy Bee Productions. Chiquis is the executive producer.

The first two episodes of the series will premiere on ViX’s premium plan on August 16, followed by two new episodes every Friday. The first episode will also premiere on the free tier.

Chiquis sin Filtro will reveal an intimate and exclusive glimpse into Chiquis’ life. This exciting and surprising series will showcase a hard-working Chiquis who has achieved success and connects with others with her determination and skills. Her wit, humor, and hard work demonstrate how comfortable she feels in her skin and all that she has accomplished.

From her home in Los Angeles and at every step of her tour throughout the U.S. and Mexico, Chiquis is shown facing daily challenges. In addition, the docu-follow will explore Chiquis’ relationship with her family, and how she handles the conflicts and challenges she faces as the eldest sister of the Rivera dynasty.

Chiquis sin filtro is directed by Juan Pablo Puentes, Vicente Serrano, and Mirtha Mirando as showrunner with Mayra Montoya as producer and Chiquis as executive producer.

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