Brands leverage on first TelevisaUnivision’s broadcast of the Super Bowl to target US Hispanics and delivered in Spanish

12 de febrero de 2024

Volkswagen’s spot features a vivid and nostalgic journey since the brand arrived in the US 75 years ago

An American Love Story by Volkswagen of America was one of the last ads revealed before broadcasting in Spanish during the Super Bowl on Univision. The spot alludes—with the famous “Beetle” that arrived from Germany 75 years ago—to the immigration waves that have characterized the history of the US and is one of several campaigns that target the Hispanic population and broadcast via TelevisaUnivision.

It is the first time that the Spanish-language media giant—created after the merger between Univision Holdings and Grupo Televisa in 2022—broadcasts the Big Game in the US, after having done so only in Mexico for a long time. The broadcasting included approximately 90 hours of new programming.

In addition to Volkswagen of America, the list of advertisers that joined this debut (and delivered in Spanish) includes the brand Tacoma of Toyota Motor North America, Nissan, BodyArmor of Coca-Cola, Metro By T-Mobile, Total by Verizon, and Totino’s Pizza. Most were developed with creativity by multicultural agencies in the US.

Volkswagen of America, Inc. released the two-minute extended version of An American Love Story on Friday before the Big Game. It is a 60-second film broadcast in Spanish on Univision. It was created by the automotive company in partnership with its long-standing creative and advertising agency, Johannes Leonardo.

The video is a vivid and nostalgic journey of the brand’s 75-year history in the US, beginning with the arrival of the first Type 1 vehicles, nicknamed “The Beetle,” imported by Dutch businessman Ben Pon in 1949. It combines historical and recreated images.

Viewers of the Big Game on Univision saw Undisclosed in the first commercial break of the fourth quarter, a 30-second ad for the all-new Tacoma where people go bold driving the vehicle, taking risks that should not be posted on social media. It was created by Conill and directed by Goh Iromoto. The ad is a tribute to the outdoor adventures that US Hispanics experience on the road (and off-road) with their Tacoma.

The brand made an English version, Dareful Handle, created by the Toyota agency Saatchi & Saatchi in collaboration with Le Truc and directed by Tarsem Singh.

For the Nissan Pathfinder, the auto company partnered with TelevisaUnivision for “an exclusive in-language and in-culture broadcast experience for Latino viewers” as part of Univision’s coverage of the Big Game. The piece, The Test Drive, was created by TBWA\Chiat\Day New York and the Argentine-American director Ariel Danzinger. It stars Saturday Night Live star Marcello Hernández and the Mexican-American band Grupo Frontera. The 60-second ad shows Hernandez embarking on an unexpected adventure testing the vehicle.

For Metro by T-Mobile, the broadcast of the Big Game on TelevisaUnivision in Spanish is a historic first, according to Clint Patterson, T-Mobile Prepaid CMO. “And it’s a natural choice to make Metro’s Super Bowl debut,” he said. The company is considered the leading provider of prepaid wireless services for Spanish-speaking customers in the US, with more than 6,200 stores in the US and Puerto Rico, including underserved neighborhoods.

The 60-second ad was developed in partnership with creative agency OKRP, airing in the second quarter during the seventh commercial break.

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